Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Accountability Report

So here is the report for yesterday: (yes I know I missed a day, sorry)

Accountability Report 02/03/09

**NUTRITION** (Per SparkPeople Guidelines) [My personal Goal]

  • Calories: (1680-2030) [1968] *1618*
  • Fiber: (25-35g)[25-30 g] *21*
  • Sodium: (0-2300) *3824*
  • Carbs: (217-314g) *198*
  • Fat: (43-75g) *60*
  • Protein: (60-169g) *72*
  • Veggies/Fruits: [4 servings] *5 servings*
  • Water: (8+ cups)[12 cups] *10 cups*
  • Vitamin:[4x a day] *no*
  • Supplements:{folic acid, omega 3}[3x a day] *no*


  • Walk: (Daily) *yes, shopping*
  • Strength: (Every other day) *no*yes I was suppose to do, but didn't
  • Cardio: (Daily) *yes*


  • Post daily updates + Weekly Weigh-ins: (Sunday-weigh in): *no*
  • 15 minutes housecleaning daily: *yes*
  • Stay off of scale: *yes*


It was a stressful day, but a good day for me. The battery in my car died, and since my husband is out of town, it took me forever to get someone to come and jump it off. I went grocery shopping, and that was also stressful because my daughter just didn't want to behave. But on the bright side, I didn't overeat because of the stress and was actually under my calorie intake for the day. I did not get to strength train, because my body just wouldn't let me, so I am taking another look at my fitness plan, and I think I am going to have to take more days off than I originally thought. I am just more out of shape than I thought. This upsets me a lot, but there is no one to blame but me. So I think I will be taking every other day off from walking, and just do some strength training with some mild cardio (Like the wii fit, just to give my body a break). My foot was killing me while grocery shopping and hurt for several hours afterward. I hope that with losing weight, that pain will stop. Only time will tell though.

Daily Mood Check: Stressed, upset and very moody

Healthy Lifestyle Scale: Healthy


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